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Friday, March 11, 2011


Because I don't have anything better to do.

I'm fourteen, a freshman in high school. The school I go to is absolutely insane. On Wednesday there were at least two fights that I know of for sure (more if rumors are to be believed), on Thursday a police officer had to taze a kid three times, and today there was an ambulance outside. Also apparently some time this week a kid got stabbed in the bathroom. -_-

I have three younger brothers, one's almost two, one's five, and one's almost nine. We live with our parents and our fish, dog, and two cats. My mom was adopted and my dad's from Canada.
My friends (who as far as I know remain uninfected) introduced me to the Slenderman mythos through Marble Hornets right about when "Season Two" started. I followed that for a while before I discovered the blogs about a month ago, and it all spiraled from there.

...strange. A certain Eldritch Abomination has yet to make its appearance yet tod o hai there Slendy
That's bizarre I'm not as freaked out right now. Maybe it's because it's full daylight for once and it's not appearing half hidden at ten at night or behind a tree. ...but that doesn't really make sense either since I can now see it in all its freakishness.
Idk. Maybe I'm just getting used to it.

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